Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

If I gain weight, can I have surgery again?
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Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

According to recent statistics, a significant percentage of patients who undergo Bariatric Surgery experience Weight Regain in the years following their procedure. However, this situation has a solution. Is it possible to undergo another procedure if I have regained weight after my initial surgery? As a bariatric surgeon in Medellín, I have treated numerous patients with this concern, and through my experience, I have learned the importance of addressing this issue with transparency and professionalism.

Can I Undergo Another Surgery if I Gain Weight Again?

Obesity is not just a physical challenge; it’s also an emotional one. This is where my commitment as a bariatric surgeon extends beyond the operating room. My mission is to support, guide, and provide the best solutions to those who trust in my expertise and knowledge.
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Why Is Weight Gain Possible After Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric Surgery is a powerful tool in the fight against obesity; however, its long-term success greatly depends on proper care and maintenance. Weight Regain after a bariatric procedure can occur due to multiple factors. It’s essential to understand that surgery is not an instant fix but a step toward a healthier lifestyle. Here, I will outline some of the most common factors:

✓ Changes In Lifestyle And Eating Habits

One of the main reasons for Weight Regain is the reintroduction of unhealthy eating habits. While the surgery reduces stomach capacity and alters nutrient absorption, if the patient returns to consuming high-calorie, high-fat, and sugary foods, the body will start storing these calories as fat. Achieving and maintaining weight loss is a long-term commitment that requires consistent changes in diet and exercise.

✓ Metabolic And Hormonal Factors

The human body is a complex machine, and its metabolism can be influenced by hormonal factors. After surgery, the body adjusts to its new state, and in some cases, there may be a decrease in the metabolic rate, meaning fewer calories are burned at rest. Additionally, certain hormones related to appetite and satiety can be altered, contributing to weight gain.

✓ Lack Of Postoperative Follow-Up

Postoperative follow-up is crucial. Regular visits with the medical team, including myself, the bariatric surgeon, along with nutritionists and psychologists, are essential for monitoring progress and addressing any challenges that arise. Lack of proper follow-up can lead to deviations from the postoperative plan and, eventually, Weight Regain.

Cirugía Bariátrica de Revisión - Dr Santiago Gomez Correa en Medellín

What Is Revisional Weight Loss Surgery?


Bariatric Surgery has proven to be an effective tool in the fight against obesity. However, some patients may experience complications or fail to achieve the desired results, leading them to consider a second procedure: Revisional Weight Loss Surgery.

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery is a procedure performed after a previous Bariatric Surgery. Its primary goal is to correct or improve the outcomes of the initial surgery. The reasons for considering a revisional surgery can vary, ranging from medical complications, such as ulcers or hernias, to regaining lost weight or dissatisfaction with the initial results.

What Are the Types of Revisional Weight Loss Surgery?

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery aims to correct, improve, or adapt the results of a previous bariatric procedure. Depending on the specific needs of the patient and the circumstances leading to the decision for revision, there are different types of procedures available. Here are the most common ones:

Revisional Gastric

Bypass Surgery

Revisional gastric bypass surgery is a complex procedure designed for individuals who have previously undergone bariatric surgery but are experiencing complications or insufficient weight loss. 

Typically, patients who have regained significant weight after their initial procedure or those suffering from persistent obesity-related health issues

It’s a surgical intervention that modifies or corrects a previous weight loss surgery, often by adjusting the size of the stomach pouch or altering the length of the bypassed intestine.

They’re usually conducted in specialized bariatric centers by experienced surgeons like Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa in Medellín, Colombia. 

It’s usually contemplated several years after the initial surgery, when conservative measures have failed to address weight regain or complications

The primary reasons include achieving additional weight loss, resolving complications from the first surgery, and improving overall health and quality of life.

The surgery is typically done laparoscopically, using small incisions and specialized instruments to make the necessary anatomical changes. This approach allows for a faster recovery and minimizes the risk of complications. Patients considering revisional gastric bypass should naturally consult with a qualified bariatric surgeon to discuss their options and determine if this procedure is right for them.

Revisional Gastric

Sleeve Surgery

Revisional gastric sleeve surgery is a specialized procedure designed to address issues arising from a previous sleeve gastrectomy. 

Patients who have experienced inadequate weight loss, weight regain, or complications following their initial gastric sleeve procedure.

It’s a surgical intervention that modifies the existing sleeve, often by re-sleeving to create a smaller stomach pouch or converting to a different bariatric procedure like gastric bypass.

They’re typically conducted in advanced bariatric centers by highly skilled surgeons such as Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa in Medellín, Colombia.

Usually, it’s contemplated when patients have exhausted non-surgical options and are facing persistent obesity-related health issues or complications from their initial surgery

The primary reasons include achieving further weight loss, addressing complications like acid reflux or sleeve dilation, and improving overall metabolic health. 

The surgery is generally done laparoscopically, using small incisions to access and modify the existing gastric sleeve. This minimally invasive approach allows for quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications. Patients considering revisional gastric sleeve surgery should naturally consult with an experienced bariatric surgeon to evaluate their specific case and determine the most appropriate course of action. 

Both procedures aim to limit food intake and, therefore, promote weight loss after weight regain. However, it is essential to discuss with a specialist which is the most appropriate procedure according to the needs and health conditions of each patient.

Schedule an assessment appointment with me, Dr. Santiago Gomez Correa, if you are interested in a revision bariatric surgery and want personalized attention to discuss which is the most suitable procedure for you.

Benefits Of Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery is a procedure performed to correct or improve the outcomes of a previous Bariatric Surgery. The benefits of undergoing a Revisional Weight Loss Surgery can vary depending on the individual case, but generally include:

«Revisional Weight Loss Surgery is an important step in the journey toward a healthier life. As always, my commitment is to guide and support my patients at every stage, ensuring their well-being and satisfaction,» says Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa, Bariatric Surgeon.

Specialist in Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Before any procedure, it is crucial to have a detailed consultation with an expert. In my practice, I always ensure that I understand the patient’s concerns, expectations, and goals. During this consultation, we review the patient’s medical history and the results of the previous Bariatric Surgery. Additionally, we discuss the reasons for considering a revisional surgery and the options available. Finally, we assess the risks and benefits of the proposed intervention and address all the patient’s questions and concerns to ensure they are well-informed and confident in their decision.

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Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Who Is Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa?

I am Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa, a Laparoscopic Surgeon and Bariatric Surgeon with extensive experience in Bariatric Surgery in Medellín, specializing in minimally invasive procedures, obesity surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, Revisional Weight Loss Surgery, and general surgery.

My expertise focuses on the surgical management of obesity, performing key procedures such as Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve. My academic background includes a subspecialty in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery from the prestigious Universidad CES in Medellín. Additionally, I have expanded my knowledge and skills with studies and certifications internationally, specifically in the United States and France.

Medical Certifications

When you feel that you no longer have control over your weight, Bariatric Surgery can be the solution.

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery: Before and After


Benefits of Revisional Weight Loss Surgery in Colombia

Benefits of Revisional Weight Loss Surgery in Colombia

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery in Colombia offers numerous benefits for those who have experienced weight regain or complications after their initial bariatric procedure. With access to advanced bariatric centers and skilled surgeons, such as Dr. Santiago Gómez Correa, patients can achieve additional weight loss, improve overall health, and enhance their quality of life. The minimally invasive techniques used in Colombia ensure a quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a second chance at successful weight management.

FAQ Revisional Weight Loss

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery is a procedure performed after a previous bariatric surgery to correct or improve its outcomes.

Patients who have experienced weight regain or complications after their initial bariatric surgery may consider this procedure.

Weight regain after bariatric surgery can occur due to lifestyle changes, metabolic or hormonal factors, or lack of postoperative follow-up.

 Revisional Gastric Bypass Surgery can effectively address weight regain and complications, helping patients achieve additional weight loss and improve their overall health.

The benefits can include additional weight loss, improved overall health, enhanced quality of life, and increased self-esteem.

It is generally considered when conservative measures have failed to manage weight regain or complications from the initial surgery.

Common types include Revisional Gastric Bypass Surgery and Revisional Gastric Sleeve Surgery, each tailored to specific patient needs.

Revisional Gastric Bypass modifies the original bypass surgery, while Revisional Gastric Sleeve involves altering or converting the original sleeve procedure.

Most revisional surgeries are performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and specialized instruments for a minimally invasive approach.

Risks may include infection, bleeding, and complications related to anesthesia, similar to any major surgical procedure.

Regular follow-up with healthcare providers, including surgeons, nutritionists, and psychologists, is crucial for monitoring progress and maintaining long-term results.

Yes, procedures such as Revisional Gastric Sleeve can be designed to address complications like acid reflux or sleeve dilation.

A significant role; adopting healthy eating habits and a consistent exercise routine is essential for maintaining weight loss after revisional surgery.

A qualified bariatric surgeon with experience in revisional procedures should perform the surgery to ensure optimal outcomes.

The recovery period after Revisional Weight Loss Surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed and the individual patient’s health. Generally, patients can expect a recovery time of 2 to 6 weeks. During this period, it is crucial to follow the surgeon’s postoperative care instructions, attend follow-up appointments, and gradually return to normal activities. The recovery process may include dietary adjustments, gradual reintroduction of physical activity, and ongoing support from healthcare providers to ensure optimal healing and successful long-term outcomes.

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Know all the surgeries I perform

Most of these procedures are performed laparoscopically (minimal incisions in the abdomen with faster postoperative recovery and less pain.

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